If you’ve ever thought about making your teeth a few shades lighter, you may have felt a little confused as to which treatment to choose. With a variety of at home and in-chair options available for teeth whitening Brisbane wide, it can be hard to know which option is the most effective, efficient and worth your time and money. So, which is more worthwhile – in-chair or take home whitening?
What is Zoom Whitening?
Designed by Philips, Zoom WhiteSpeed Whitening is an effective and fast-working whitening procedure that has the power to lighten teeth by up to eight shades. In as little as 45 minutes, a customised treatment is applied to your teeth to achieve your desired shade, creating long-lasting results of up to one year.
Not only does the treatment lighten your teeth for a brighter, confident smile, it does not cause teeth sensitivity. For extra protection, a post-treatment gel can be applied to particularly sensitive teeth.
What is Take Home Whitening?
Take home whitening kits may include either whitening strips or gels, and are designed to be used for self application at home.
As well as being significantly less effective and taking longer to achieve your desired results, at home kits are more likely to cause tooth sensitivity. If used incorrectly, these kits can even cause damage to your teeth overtime. Generally, they aren’t suitable for those who already have sensitive teeth and can create issues for those who didn’t originally notice any sensitivity.
Why In-Chair Whitening is Worth Your Time
When performed by a professional, teeth whitening can be done using stronger and more effective techniques than what are available in take home kits.
In particular, the Zoom in-chair whitening is clinically proven to be a highly effective treatment. In a clinical study, the Zoom WhiteSpeed treatment was compared to a similar treatment over the course of seven days. The whiteness of the participant’s teeth was measured post-treatment, on day two and on day seven. At each of these timepoints, those who received treatment with Zoom WhiteSpeed had significantly whiter teeth than those who had the alternative treatment.
How Is the Zoom In-Chair Procedure Performed?
First, your practitioner will prepare your teeth for the whitening gel. Once the whitening gel is applied, the WhiteSpeed LED is placed over your teeth to enhance both the whitening effect and speed. Tailoring the treatment to your comfort levels, the WhiteSpeed LED can be adjusted using its range of settings. After three goes, your teeth will be whitened to the shade of your desire!
Let Your Smile Brighten Up Every Room With a Zoom Whitening Treatment at Newstead Dental
At Newstead Dental, we use Zoom WhiteSpeed to achieve the results that you desire. If you’re after teeth whitening in Brisbane, or if you have any concerns with the appearance of your teeth that you want to fix or to book a free cosmetic consultation, contact our team at Newstead Smiles or visit our website to learn more about our cosmetic services and show your smile off with pride.