With the party season starting to ramp up, it’s important that your smile is as fresh as your summer outfit!

Your smile can make a lasting, positive impression on fellow party-goers – from friends and family to complete strangers. Investing time and effort into your oral health can prove fruitful for the season of socialising.

In this blog, we explore different ways you can prepare your smile and how you can keep it fresh all summer long.

If you work during the day and don’t have time to book your dentist appointment, then you have the option of booking in and going to your appointment after hours. Newstead Smiles is one of the leading after-hours dentists Brisbane-wide, and have a skilled team of experts who can help you improve your oral health for summer. You can contact us today to book an appointment.

Go to the Dentist

Visiting a dentist prior to the festive season can give your teeth the deep clean they need for a shiny smile. Dentists can also provide guidance on how you can maintain a healthy smile during the peak party period.

Your dentist can identify any holiday-specific foods and beverages that can have a negative impact on your overall dental health. For example, if you like a cheeky glass of mulled wine, your dentist might explain that this drink can cause additional staining on your teeth, while also contributing to tooth decay.

Improve Your At-Home Routine

Having an effective dental routine at home can have a long-lasting, positive impact on your smile. Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste ensures your teeth are germ-free the moment you wake up and when you call it a night. This helps reduce the risk of various oral diseases, such as tooth decay, while also keeping your teeth brighter and whiter.

Drinking more water during the day is a simple way to maintain your oral health. Water flushes away any pieces of food that might linger in your mouth. Even when you’re at a party with close friends or family, drinking a fresh glass of water after each meal can cleanse your mouth of any residual food particles.

Take Caution With Your Drink of Choice

Limiting your intake of drinks that can stain your teeth can help keep your smile pearly-white throughout summer. Drinking beverages such as coffee, tea, and wine can cause tooth staining. To mitigate this, you can drink these types of beverages through a straw. You can alternatively drink some water afterward to wash away any stains that may build up over time.

While it might be tempting to go for a glass of soft drink, carbonated and sugary beverages can have a harmful impact on your teeth. Consuming soft drinks on a regular basis can damage your tooth enamel, which in turn can cause a slew of oral health problems. Where possible, avoid drinking too many sugary and/or carbonated drinks. But if you do crave the sweet taste of a can of lemonade, then wash it down with a glass of water. As with wine, tea, or coffee, drinking water after consuming a soft drink can reduce the chances of the acids harming your teeth.

It’s Time to Party!

Party season is around the corner, and with it comes many opportunities to socialise and show off your best accessory – your smile. Keeping your teeth healthy is important for making a lasting impression on those around you. With these tips and tricks, you’re well-equipped to refine your smile just in time for the festive period. But if you’re not sure where to start, then get in touch with the Newstead Smile team today. We can point you in the right direction, and help you have brilliant pearly whites all summer long.